Have a nagging pain, a pinch you can’t release, an injury that won’t heal, or physical ailment that’s keeping you sidelined? Struggling with insomnia, anxiety, digestion issues, or other internal health problems? Dan Shargorodsky of AcuMotion can help. AcuMotion’s mission is to help patients feel their best, while assisting their bodies in healing naturally and thoroughly. Dan takes a holistic and functional approach, employing a mix of traditional Chinese medicine practices—acupuncture, gua sha, cupping, and tai na massage— with western orthopedic practices, attacking the source of pain or impingement from its source. His focus is to heal your body naturally, increasing flexibility, mobility, and eliminating inflammation. A licensed acupuncturist, Dan’s background includes stretch therapy, body work, pain management, mobility training, nutrition, and personal training. AcuMotion just moved to a pristine 3-room studio at 1126 Beacon Street right below Citizens Bank in the Four Corners section in Newton.