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The Half Cookie

3A Boylston Street


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While there are dozens of bakeries in Newton, there’s only one that specializes in cookies—and wow, at The Half Cookie, they are nothing less than extraordinary. With uber succesful pop ups in the Back Bay, SOWA, and The Seaport, The Half Cookie opened a brick and mortar bakery this summer next to the Star Market in Chestnut Hill. Not your typical cookies, ones created by this bakeshop are oversized, and some are stuffed with literally jaw-dropping, non-traditional ingredients—like the “Salted Twix,” “Peanutbutter Butterfinger,” and “Girls Night Out,”—a (gasp) half pound cookie bursting with mini m&ms, Reese’s pieces, and a peanut butter core. Mon-Sat: 10 AM-7 PM; Sun: 12-6 PM.

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